Cougars Reading Club

Monday, February 6 – Sunday, April 2
Committee Chair:
Kasia Kranz

Cougars Reading Club is an eight-week program that tracks the progress of a student’s reading around the bases of a baseball diamond with the three bases and home plate each representing four total segments of two weeks of reading.

The readers who “hit home runs” earn a free ticket to a Cougars game designated by Hillcrest Elementary, either Sunday May 13 at 6:30pm or Saturday, May 20 at 6:30pm, in addition to a hot dog and soft drink plus a chance to be part of pre-game parade on the field! Families will have an opportunity to purchase additional tickets to the selected game.

How To Participate

  • Flyers were sent home in student folders the week of February 6. You may also locate a copy here.
  • Students are expected to record the dates and time spent reading during each two-week period. The total time spent reading must equal at least 180 minutes (3 hours) every two weeks.
  • It’s up to students how they divide the time and reach the goal. For example:
    • 18 minutes/day Monday-Friday
    • 13 minutes/day including Saturday & Sunday
    • Other increments, i.e. selected days: 10 min., 20 min., 30 min., 60 min., etc.
  • After each two week segment, a parent’s signature is needed to indicate completion. The reading slip should be turned in to their classroom teacher every two weeks.

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